
'Dude, Stop' is a puzzle game, where the main goal is to make everyone hate you! Play it, break it, abuse it, skip the tutorial, ignore tips and tricks in the loading menu and - most importantly.
General questions:
You can download the game from any of the links below. After the download is complete, extract files, open newly created folder and run DudeStop.exe. If for some reason the game is not starting or not running correctly, be sure to contact us and describe your problem.
Right now Dude, Stop is available only as a Demo version with only 2 playable packs. It is not a full release of the game.
We are small team of two people, who work full time on the game. At first, we planned to finish it in early 2016, but had to postpone when we realized how much content we want to add. As much as we want to get it into your filthy hands as soon, as possible, we don’t want to rush the release until we are sure that Dude, Stop is perfect for the players: plenty of content, humor, mini-games, surprises, angry voices, etc.
Considering all of the above, we decided to push the release date to “Coming Soon”.
We can talk about price range only after we’ve finished working on the game, so that we can see how much content we have and what price would be appropriate. Right now it’s too early to think about the cost, but we heard your feedback/concerns about the pricing, and we are keeping those in mind.
Dude, Stop is developed primary for the PC. Mobile platforms, Mac and Linux are still considered, but porting/adopting game for these devices can take time. Right now we are focused on finishing the game on PC first.
You can follow us on a social media, like Facebook or Twitter. You can also subscribe to our newsletter (by entering your mail on the right side of this webpage in the “Newsletter” box) to get notifications about latest news and release date (we are not going to send you more than a couple of mails per month).

We use couple of forums to posts news, but all updates can be found in one of the social medias: Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to follow us there to get all the news. You can also follow us on the development forums directly:
Misc. questions:
At first we had no plans on adding voice to the game, but after so much feedback and comments we decided that Dude, Stop must have it! Right now we are working on specifics how it’s going to affect gameplay and what it can add to the whole experience, but in one way or another it will be present in the final version. You can be sure that we’re trying to squeeze everything out of our voice artists.
This reward was added to show that the game is not complete yet, and more rewards are “coming soon”. Currently you can’t get this reward, it will be available only in the final version of the game. We are sorry if this has caused some sort of confusion.
Right now there is no reward for such achievement, but this is a good idea, and we will try to add it to the final version. If you have any more ideas on what would make the game better, we are happy to hear them.
We are big fans of multiplier/coop games and will gladly add some collaboration or PvP to any game we develop, but right now we simply don’t know how Dude, Stop can benefit from online play, and what mechanics we can add to make it challenging and/or fun for the players. That is why multiplayer is not in our “To Do” list.

You can leave your comments on any of the websites listed below – we do read them all, honestly! We have spent some time and developed special tools to collect all your comments and feedback in one place, so we would never miss anything you have to say to us. You can also leave your feedback through the demo itself, we read those too.
Dude, Stop Free Download PC Game is an awesome game for PC/Mac.It is a direct link for windows Torrent GOG.This is a crack version of this game. Skidrow Reloaded will provide you this game for free. Overview of Dude, Stop Download PC Game 2017Download this awesome game for you PC/MAC for free.This is an awesome game you can play this game online with your friends.This game is also from Android/iPhone/lunex/APK/MAC and specially for PC.We are spending to much time and money to make you people happy.Enjoy this game for free.And support our website if you like this game.If you If you don’t know how to download From Mega Click.“Dude, Stop” is a puzzle game, where the main goal is to not follow the rules and make everybody hate you. Break it, abuse it, skip the tutorial, ignore tips and tricks in the loading menu and – most importantly! – mute the narrator.For example, stop reading this paragraph and skip to the next one. You’re still reading. Still looking here.
You’ve broken your first rule and annoyed us a little bit. And didn’t even buy the game yet!
Wow, you’re talented. Have you considered quitting your job and doing this fulltime?Collect all rewards, unlock all achievements and brag to your buddies that you’ve enraged some poor developer from a video game and made him scream at you just like in the trailer. Do your best. Or both at once.Features of Dude, Stop Free Download PC Game.
Dive into countless. puzzles carefully made by the developers. Some of them relatable, some of them not. Who cares, buy the damn game.
Fully voiced narration of both good and bad solutions. You can ignore or mute it all you want, it’s still there. All kinds of shiny rewards and achievements assembled by a hungry underpaid developer in a basement just so you can feel justified breaking another level and giggling for five seconds. Many moments where you will be saying “What?”, “Why?” and “Preordering videogames is good”. Just kidding, you will mostly be just clicking stuff and dragging and throwing it all over the screen. Self-aware humor that simply tries waaay too hard.
This includes timeless references that only our weird programmer can understand. Like “42” and “You’re gonna have a bad time”.